
Massimo Foschi

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Competition 2024
Score: 0
Rank: 0
Nominee: NO
Last Cannibal World


1938-01-02 Forlì, Emilia-Romagna, Italy


Massimo Foschi started his career by reading and writing poetry. Enrolling at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Rome, following a semester at Ravenna, Fochi had an ambition to work on stage and on screen. He started his career in dubbing foreign language movies in Italian for local audiences. Fochi's movie debut was a small role in The Bible (1966), followed by small roles in three other films. He was noticed by other directors and they cast Fochi in various supporting roles. He is best known for a rare lead role in Ultimo mondo cannibale (1977) (Last Cannibal World)... (continued)

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